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04-28 12:53
2011. 8. 9. 01:51 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ '위치정보 수집' 애플·구글에 한국, 세계 첫 제재!!

▷ Korea the first to fine Apple and Google

▶ 방송통신위원회가 불법으로 위치정보를 수집한 애플과 구글에 대해
    세계에서 처음으로 제재조치를 내렸습니다.

▷ U.S. tech giants Apple and Google have taken a hit in Korea,
    with the Korea Communications Commission slapping them with
    a fine for their location tracking functions that sparked a wave
    of controversy worldwide.

- take a hit : 타격을 입다
- slap a fine : 벌금을 내게 하다
- sparked a wave : 논쟁을 일으키다
- controversy : 논란


[2nd news]

▶ 美, 석사학위 이상 '영주권' 발급 확대!!

▷ Students with Master's Degrees May Get US Green Cards

▶ 앞으로는 석사학위를 따면 미국 영주권을 신청할 자격을 갖게 됩니다.
    미국 정부는 외국인 투자 유치와 일자리 확대를 위해 석사학위 이상
    소지자의 경우 영주권을 적극적으로 발급하기로 했습니다.

▷ International students with master's degrees will be qualified to
    apply for US green cards. US government unveiled the plan to
    stimulate the stagnated US economy and attrack more foreign

- Green Card : 영주권
- master's degrees : 석사
- be qualified : ~할 자격이 있다
- stagnate : 침체되다


[3rd news]

▶ 무바라크 첫 재판서 "무죄" 주장!!

▷ Mubarak pleads not guilty

▶ 올해 초 시위대를 유혈 진압하고 부정부패 혐의로 기소된 무바라크
    전 이집트 대통령이 수도 카이로에서 처음으로 재판을 받았으나
    혐의를 전면 부인했습니다.

▷ On the stand in Egypt, former President Hosni Mubarak claimed 
     he had no hand in corruption allegations or the killing of
     people protesting against his regime who eventually ousted him
     from his seat.

- plead : 답변하다
- have a no hand in : 영향력을 행사하지 않았다
- corruption : 부패
- allegation : 혐의
- regime : 정권
- oust : 몰아내다


● 친절한 Caelyn ●

오늘의 표현 :  I hit rock bottom. 최악의 상황을 겪고 있어.

(전화 연결 신청시 꼭!! 스크립트 챙겨주세요.)


A: I lost my job, my boyfriend just left me, I can’t pay off my loans,
    and my landlord is kicking me out. I’ve really hit rock bottom.
B: Well, it can only get better from here right?
A: Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom. You can learn your lesson now!
B: What do you mean? I have no lesson to learn! I have it all together!
A: My vacation hit rock bottom when I got mugged and lost all my money and
B: At least you’re back safe and sound.
    What did I tell you about going on vacation alone!


A : 직장도 짤리고.. 남자친구랑도 헤어지고,, 빚도 못 갚고
     집주인도 날 쫓아내려고 하고.. 나 정말 최악이야..
B : 케일린, 처음부터 다시 시작한다고 생각해~

A : 너가 최악의 상황까지 가는 걸 못 보겠어. 넌 지금 교훈을 얻을 수 있어!!
B : 무슨 얘기야? 난 배울게 없어!! 난 모든걸 갖췄다고!!

A : 강도 만나서 돈도 잃어버리고 여권도 없어지고~ 내 휴가는 최악이었어!!
B : 그래도 무사히 살아서 돌아왔잖아, 그래서 내가 혼자 여행가지 말라고 했지!!


●Dami의 "수상한 미션" ●

▶ 오늘의 주제 : 날씨에 대해 이야기하기

▶ 오늘의 미션

 □ Mission 1. describe the weather last Wednesday and Thursday
 □ Mission 2. explain the conditions now
 □ Mission 3. talk about the weather conditions for this weekend

▶ 영어 표현 tip
● What's the weather like? = How is the weather?

● The weather is rainy (비 많이 올 때), windy (바람), foggy (안개낀),
   humid (습한), cloudy (구름 많이 낄 때), muggy (후텁지근한), hot (더운)

● (음산한) gloomy, oppressive
   (변덕스러운) fickle[broken, changeable, unsettled]weather 

● 비의 종류 : (소나기) shower , (폭우) - a heavy rain -a downpour
               -a torrential rain, (폭풍우) rain-storm, (이슬비) a drizzle,
               (장마) rainy season, monsoon

● hurricane/typhoon (태풍), landslide (산사태), tornado (회오리바람),
   thunderstorm (천둥과 번개를 동반한 바람)

● 날씨가 개다: it[the weather]clears up

● The weather report calls for rain. 일기예보는 비가 올 거라고 했다.
   The weather report said there is a 70% chance of rain.
   비가 올 확률이 70% 라고 말했어.

● Did you check the weather forecast? 일기예보

● Due to extreme weather conditions=악천후로

● 비가 심하게 내릴 때 “It's raining cats and dogs!”

● Due to the weather conditions, flight 701 will be delayed.
   weather condition "기상 상황“

● 날씨 관용표현 (시간 없으면 Pass~)
   - Rain or shine, I have to get to work before 7am.
     비가 오나 눈이오나, 아침 7시 전엔 출근을 해야 해요.
   - We will have blue skies for today. 날씨가 맑을 거라는 뜻
   - I'm on cloud 9! 기분이 엄청 좋을 때 이런 표현
   - “Chasing rainbows" 불가능한 꿈을 이루려는 거

▶ 오늘의 대화

A : Hello?? Rich!! It's me Dami!

B: Oh! Hey Dami! How have you been?

A: I'm great! But what about you? I saw the news and I heard
            about Seoul! The weather was crazy last week!
            What happened?

B: It was raining cats and dogs last Wednesday and Thursday.
            The buildings were flooded, roads were covered with water.
            It was crazy!

A: So how are things right now? What's the weather like?

B: The weather's okay right now. It's a bit humid and hot,
            but it's waaay better than last week.

A: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Then what about the rest of the
            week? Is the weather going to be okay?

B: Well, we won't be expecting clear skies, a bit cloudy, and
           I heard the it's going to rain on the weekend.
           I wish it would stop raining....

A: Well, I was worried, so I called right away~
            How's your place? Is everything OK?

B: Fortunately, yes. Everyone's safe. Thanks for the call.

A: Sure! Be safe! BYE~


posted by magicps