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04-28 00:11
2011. 8. 3. 19:54 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ ‘1000만달러 여왕’ 김연아, 세계 여자 스포츠스타 중 수익랭킹 8위 

▷ Kim Yu-na makes the Forbes list

▶ '피겨 여왕' 김연아 선수가 지난 1년 간 약 106억 원의 수익을 올려 포브스 선정
     세계에서 가장 수입이 많은 여성 스포츠스타 가운데 8번째로 이름을 올렸습니다.

▷ Kim Yu-na put 10.6 billion won into her coffers over the past year,
    meaning that she came in at number eight on the Forbes magazine list
    of the most well-heeled female athletes.

- put into one's coffers 돈을 벌어들이다.

- well-heeled 돈 많은


[2nd news]

▶ ‘동대문이 아퐈요~’  중부지방 폭우로 동대문 일부 파손

▷ Dongdaemun damaged in downpours

▶ 지난 주 62명의 사상자와 수천 명의 수재민을 발생시킨 폭우로
    '보물 제1호' 동대문-흥인지문의 일부가 파손됐습니다.

▷ Dongdaemun gate was among the victims of the record rains last week
    that took the lives of 62 people and left thousands exposed to the elements
    as their homes were inundated.

- leave exposed to the elements 노숙자가 되다.

- inundate 넘쳐나다.


[3rd news]

▶ '띵동! 김미영 팀장입니다' 스팸문자의 여왕 김미영 팀장 진범 검거!

▷ Spam scheme lands loan shark in court

▶ 수백만 명의 사람들에게 불법 대출광고 스팸 문자메시지를 전송한
    불법 대부중개업자가 구속됐습니다.

▷ An illegal lender has ended up in front of a judge for allegedly spamming
    millions of cell phone users with unwanted messages aimed at getting
    himself more customers.

- loan shark 불법 대부업자

- land in court = end up in front of a judge 재판에 회부되다.


● "Kali's English Game Go!!" ●
* Round 1*

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘지명’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

What is the name of a motorway system in Germany
that is known as the "Car only road?"

  1. Autoreverse
  2. Autobahn
  3. Outsourcing( 정답 :  )

**********************************************************************<2> (이번 문제는 ‘동물’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 Which animal has the ability to change color?

  1. Canary
  2. Camel
  3. Chameleon

( 정답 :  )

<3> (이번 문제는 ‘나라’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 Which country has the most islands in the world?

  1. Indonesia
  2. Africa
  3. Saudi Arabia( 정답 : )


* Round 2*

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘줄임말’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)      What does the "e" in e-mail stand for?      1. Energy
      2. English
      3. Electronic

( 정답 :  )
**********************************************************************<2> (이번 문제는 ‘동물’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.) Which of the following is the largest bird?
 1. Ostrich
 2. Turkey
 3. Chicken

( 정답 :  )
**********************************************************************<3> (이번 문제는 ‘단위’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)     Voltage is measured in units of 'volts,'
     then what unit is electric current measured in?

  1. Ounce
  2. Centimeter
  3. Ampere

( 정답 : )


* 결승전 *

<1> (이번 문제는 '연상퀴즈'입니다.)

I will read 5 words or phrases.  What word do they all have in common?

Indira Gandhi / Leonardo da Vinci / Charles de Gaulle / John F. Kennedy/ Incheon

( 정답 : ) 
**********************************************************************<2> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.) Listen to the music and then carefully listen to the entire question.

 ▶ Superman - Joe Brooks
This comic character was created in 1938 by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel
and the movie starring Christopher Reeve as this character was very popular.
What is the title to the song as well as the name of this superhero?

( 정답 :  )        

<3> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.) Here's the question. What is the weather like in the city Rich lives in?
 (Here's a hint... Listen to the entire conversation)

 Kali:  Hello, Rich?
 Rich: Kali! Long time no talk. How's San Francisco?
 Kali:  It's great but hot! Today's high was 35 degrees!
         How's the weather over there?
 Rich: It was raining up until a few days ago.
 Kali: I heard it was raining cats and dogs. 
 Rich: I've never seen so much rain in my life!
 Kali: Is it still raining?
 Rich: Now, it's sunny and clear now but I heard it was going to rain tomorrow. 

What is the weather like in the city Rich lives in?

( 정답 :  ) 

<4> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)Next is a sentence from the news on Monday's EGG show.
Listen carefully.  What is THIS?

Domestic dairy farmers announced that they would put a halt to
the supply of THIS for one day on August 3rd. They insist they won't budge
unless THIS companies raise supply prices to meet their demands.

This white liquid has a lot of calcium and comes from cows, what is this?

( 정답 :  )

<5> (다음은 ‘산수’ 문제입니다.) If you add up the number relevant to the words, what is the total?

December + Octopus + duet   

( 정답 :  )

posted by magicps