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05-11 18:43
2011. 6. 25. 11:38 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 초중고 내년 주5일제 전면 실시!!

▷ Saturday to become an off day for kids

▶ 전국의 초중고 학생들에게는 아주 반가운 소식이죠. 내년부터 전국
    모든 초·중·고교에서 주5일 수업제가 전면 시행된다고 합니다.

▷ Elementary, middle and high school students should be grinning
    from ear to ear over this news: starting next year, they'll get
    their whole weekend off to spend quality time with their loved

- off day : = dayoff / 휴일
- grinning from ear to ear : 입이 귀에 걸리도록 좋아하다


[2nd news]

▶ 빌 게이츠 “세 자녀에 유산은 조금만”

▷ Bill Gates' fortune to go to charity

▶ 빌 게이츠가 현재 자신이 가진 재산은 자선 재단에 기부하고
     자녀들에게는 극히 일부분의 재산만을 물려줄 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

▷ Bill Gates' children are going to get the short end of the stick
    when their father passes away, has he has pledged to leave his
    58 billion dollar fortune to charity.

- get the short end of the stick : 손해를 보다
- pass away : 사망하다
- pledged to : 맹세하다
- fortune : 재산


[3rd news]

▶ 51년 역사 자랑하는 BBC, 매물로 내놨다!!

▷ BBC puts its Television Centre up for sale

▶ 영국 공영방송인 BBC가 경영 적자를 개선하기 위해 본부 건물인
     ‘BBC텔레비전센터’를 매물로 내놓았습니다. 부동산 업계에서는 시세를
     4억9천만 달러 정도로 보고 있습니다.
▷ The BBC, facing budget cuts, is putting the landmark Television 
     Centre up for sale in a bid to cut its property assets. The deal
     could raise up to 490 million dollars for the world's biggest

- up for sale : 판매품으로 나가다
- budget cut : 예산 삭감
- asset : 자산


● "Kali's English Game Go!!" ●
◆ 예선 1 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘컴퓨터 용어’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     This is a type of link that connects pages and such on the Internet.      
     Choosing a specified word or picture will direct the user to another
     document or media format.  What is this?

     1. Tag
     2. Hyperlink
     3. banner

( 정답 : 2. Hyperlink )
<2> (이번 문제는 ‘장소’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

     What is the name of the building that appears in the all three movies:
     "Love Affair," "Sleepless in Seattle," and "King Kong?"
     1. Empire State Building
     2. Statue of Liberty
     3. World Trade Center

( 정답 : 1. Empire State Building )
◆ 예선 2 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘미술전’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     Meaning, ‘every two years’ in Italian, THIS has also come to mean an
     international art exhibition that occurs every two year. The first of its kind
     was held in Korea in 1995 in 광주. What kind of art exhibition is this?

     1. biennale
     2. gallery
     3. expo

( 정답 : 1. biennale )
<2> (이번 문제는 ‘차’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    This car is abnormally long and has different features.  It also has a
    divider between the driver and passenger side. Often used for VIPs
    what kind of car is this?
    1. trailer
    2. bulldozer
    3. limousine

( 정답 : 3. limousine )
<3> (이번 문제는 ‘면적’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    Which country has the largest area of land?

    1. Korea
    2. China
    3. Russia

( 정답 : 3. Russia)
◆ 결선 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 공통 단어 맞추기 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Listen to the three hints carefully. What one word fits in all the blanks?

     ① The name of the Australian male rock duo who are famous for the
        songs: ‘All Out Of Love’, ‘Making Love Out Of Nothing At All’ etc.
        : "Blank" supply
     ② When a radio or television is live, it's : on- "Blank"
     ③ This helps to cool the temperature of a room : "Blank" conditioner
( 정답 : air )
<2> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.)

     What time does Rich have to wake up tomorrow morning?
     (Here's a hint... Listen to the entire conversation)
Kali   : You haven't forgot about tomorrow right?!?!
        You can't wake up late like you did today.
Rich   : I didn't wake up late today! Waking up at 8 is not too late!
Kali   : 8? No way, Jose! You have to wake up an hour earlier tomorrow!
Rich  : Alright.  Then I'll set my alarm for 6.
        That way I can wake up by the time you said I have to.
     What time does Rich have to wake up tomorrow morning?

( 정답 : 7시 )
<3> (다음은 ‘숫자 계산’ 문제입니다.)

     Remember: multiply first, then add or subtract. Here goes:
     Solve this problem. What is [ 9 X 4 divided by 6 + 1 ]?

( 정답 : 7 )
<4> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Listen to the music and then carefully listen to the entire question.

 ▶ Harlem Desire - London Boys 

     The place that is in the title of this song is located in the northern region
     of Manhattan in New York. It's a major African -American residential area.

( 정답 : Harlem )
<5> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)

     Next is a sentence from the news on Monday's EGG show.
     Listen carefully. What is the international organization that goes in
     the blank.

     [ The_ blank _ has likely fallen victim to a hacker breach recently,
        a revelation that has sent jitters through the world, as its computers 
        hold sensitive financial information about most of the economies
        of the world]

     What is the name of this international organization?

( 정답 : IMF )
## 결승전 예비 문제

<예비> (이번 문제는 ‘줄임말’에 관한 주관식 문제입니다.)

  What is the abbreviation of the following? There are 3 letters.

  [Gross National Product]
  ( 정답 : GNP )

posted by magicps