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05-12 15:08
2011. 7. 22. 19:41 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 내년 최저임금 6% 인상!!

▷ Minimum wage to get a boost

▶ 내년도 시간당 최저임금이 올해보다 260원 오른 4천580원으로
    결정됐습니다. 이날 표결에는 정부, 사측 대표 등이 참석하여
    이 같은 인상안을 의결했습니다. 

▷ In 2012, Korea's minimum wage will climb to 4,580 won an hour
    despite an eleventh-hour withdrawal from the trilateral council
    dealing with the issue by labor representatives.

- get a boost : 올라가다
- eleventh-hour withdrawal : 마지막 순간에 빠지다
- trilateral : 3자의~


[2nd news]

▶ 아일랜드 신용 등급 강등!!

▷ Moody's drops Ireland's credit rating to junk status

▶ 아일랜드의 경제 위기가 확산되고 있습니다. 국제 신용평가사
    무디스는 아일랜드의 국가 신용등급을 ‘Baa3’에서 투자부적격(정크)
    등급인 ‘Ba1’으로 강등했습니다.

▷ Ireland will face a new obstacle as it struggles under the weight of 
    financial difficulties: a Moody's rating of Ba1, which is known as
    junk status in market circles.

- obstacle  :장애
- under the weight of : ~의 중압을 받고
- known as~ : ~로 알려진
- circle : 집단, 계~


[3rd news]

▶ 미국 '불볕더위' 몸살!!

▷ America swelters in a heat wave

▶ 미국이 살인적인 더위로 몸살을 앓고 있습니다. 40도 안팎의 더위가
    이어지면서 몇몇 곳은 기온이 무려 46도까지 오를 것으로 예상되고
▷ The Midwest and South of the United States are roasting in a
     heat wave that could see temperatures break the 46 degree
     barrier in some regions.

- swelter : 무더위에 시달리다
- heat wave : 폭염


● "Kali's English Game Go!!" ●

◆ 예선 1 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘국기’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     Which of the following shapes can be found on the flags of Turkey,
     the United States, and China?

     1. Moon
     2. Crystal
     3. Star

( 정답 : )
<2> (이번 문제는 ‘영어 약자’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    유네스코 is an acronym spelled U-N-E-S-C-O.
    Then, what does the ‘E’ stand for?
     1. Economic
     2. Environment
     3. Educational

( 정답 : )
◆ 예선 2 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘물건’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    This is tied between two sturdy poles or trees under a shade and is
    used as a place to lie down.  It was named after the fish net.  What is this?
    1. hammock
    2. baobab
    3. Lemon tree

( 정답 :)
<2> (이번 문제는 ‘영화’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     The movie "Amadeus" is about the life of one musician. 
     Who is he?

     1. Beethoven
     2. Mozart
     3. Michael Jackson

( 정답 :)*************************************************************************
◆ 결선 문제 ◆

<1> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Next is the song by Boney M titled "Sunny"
     In the lyrics, its says that they feel many feet tall thanks to Sunny.
     How many feet tall do they feel?

 ▶ Sunny - Boney M
 Sunny thank you for the sunshine bouquet / Sunny thank you for the love
 you brought my way / You gave to me your all and all / Now I feel ten
 feet tall / Sunny one so true I love you 
    How many feet tall do they feel?

( 정답 : )*************************************************************************
<2> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.)

     Next, Rich and Kali are dividing apples.
     How many apples will Rich take home?
     (Here's a hint... Listen to the entire conversation)
Kali   : Let's divide the apples and take them. 
           Let's take half each so that's 10 for you and 10 for me.
Rich   : I don't eat apples... Take 5 more of mine.
Kali   : I can't do that! Then you take 2 back.
Rich  : No, take all 5!
Kali   : Really? No... I can't... just give me 3.
Rich  : Here are 3... and take 2 more.
Kali   : Hey, that's how many you told me to take in the beginning.
        Okay, I'll take it! Thanks!

How many apples will Rich take home?

( 정답 :  ) *************************************************************************
<3> (다음은 ‘문장 만들기’ 문제입니다.)

     ‘3’ words will be given in English and the Korean translation will
     be given.  Please arrange the words in the correct order to make
     a complete sentence.

     “소년들이여, 야망을 가져라. ”
     ->> [ ambitious/ Boys / Be ]

( 정답 :  )
<4> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)

     Next is a sentence from the news on Monday's EGG show.
     Listen carefully and answer the question I'll give after the sentence.

▶ The Beckhams have welcomed their first daughter into their brood, a baby
    girl named Harper Seven Beckham who was born on Sunday and came in
    at 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

     Here's the question. David and Victoria Beckham had their first
     daughter.  What day was she born?

   ( 정답 :  ) *************************************************************************
<5> (이번 문제는 공통 단어 맞추기 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Listen to the three hints carefully. What are they describing?

     ① A large gathering, especially one that is supporting an idea,
        political issue, etc.
     ② In tennis, when the players hit the ball back and forth continuously
     ③ A car race that takes place on a designated public or private road
( 정답 :  ) *************************************************************************
## 결승전 예비 문제

<예비> (다음은 ‘산수’ 문제입니다.)

  The following numbers are part of a pattern.
  What number goes in the blank. Please answer in English.
        [ 35 ... ( _blank_ ) .... 21 .... 14 .... 7 ]

  ( 정답 : )
<예비> (이번 문제는 ‘혈액형’에 관한 주관식 문제입니다.)

  What type of blood is compatible for a transfusion with all others?
  ( 정답 :  )

posted by magicps