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05-13 07:06
2011. 6. 10. 05:00 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 휴대폰 사용, 암 유발 높인다!!

▷ Cell phones may cause cancer

▶ 휴대전화를 많이 쓰시는 분들은 조심하셔야겠습니다.
    세계보건기구(WHO)는 휴대폰 사용이 일부 뇌종양의 발생위험을
    높일 수 있다고 밝혔습니다.

▷ If you're hooked on chatting on your mobile phone, here's a
    good reason to cut down: the World Health Organization has
    released a study that says they may increase your risk of
    coming down with a brain tumour.

- be hooked on : 중독되다
- cut down : ~을 줄이다
- tumour : 종양


[2nd news]

▶ 해운대 등 주요 해수욕장 개장!!

▷ Beaches in Busan Open to Public

▶ 부산 해운대, 광안리. 송도 해수욕장이 예년보다 한 달 빠른 오늘
    문을 열었습니다. 운영기간도 9월까지로 늘렸습니다.

▷ As of today, 해운대, 광안리, and 송도 beaches in Busan are officially
    open to the public, a month earlier from the previous year.
    Those beaches are slated to remain open until this September.

- As of today : 오늘부터
- open to the public : 대중에게 문을 열다
- slated to : ~할 예정이다


[3rd news]

▶ 레이디 가가, 투어 적자에 ‘파산위기'

▷ Lady Gaga breaks the bank on her Monster Ball tour

▶  팝의 여왕 레이디 가가가 수많은 히트곡을 냈음에도 불구하고,
     화려한 의상비 덕분에 몬스터 볼 세계투어에서 돈벌이는커녕 오히려
     35억 원 이상의 적자를 봤다고 합니다.
▷ Despite having many songs that climbed to the top of the charts,
    Lady Gaga has revealed that her penchant for fancy outfits left
    her "bankrupt" after the tour, as she dropped almost 3.5 billion won
    on them.

- breaks the bank on~  : 돈을 많이 쓰다
- penchant : 애호
- outfit : 옷
- bankrupt : 파산한


● "Kali's English Game Go!!" ●

◆ 예선 1 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘콜럼버스’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     "This" was made known to more people after Columbus discovered
     America.  Spicier than black pepper and red in color, what is this
     spicy discovery?

     1. Orange
     2. Salt
     3. red pepper

( 정답 : 3. red pepper )


<2> (이번 문제는 ‘단위’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    There are many units to measure the weight of things. 
    Then, what unit is a diamond weighed by?
    1. kilogram
    2. carat
    3. pound

( 정답 : 2. carat )


◆ 예선 2 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘상상의 동물’에 관한 문제입니다.)

     Which of the following ISN'T an imaginary animal?

     1. albatross
     2. dragon
     3. haetae.

( 정답 : 1. albatross )


<2> (이번 문제는 ‘환경’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

     This kind of vegetable from Spain carried the super-bacteria that
     recently caused the death of people in Germany.
     What kind of vegetable is this?
     1. milk
     2. cucumber
     3. broccoli

( 정답 : 2. cucumber )


<3> (이번 문제는 ‘영양소’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

    Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of major
    nutrients that living organisms need?

    1. calcium
    2. fat
    3. protein

( 정답 : 1. calcium )


<예비> (이번 문제는 ‘신화’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

     In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of war and wisdom?

   1. Athena
      2. Hera
      3. Venus

( 정답 : 1. Athena )


◆ 결선 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 공통 단어 맞추기 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Listen to the three hints carefully. What one word fits in all the blanks?

     ① Meaning ticketing office, (for the theater, movies, etc.) this word
        is often used when referring to the popularity of a movie.
        : "Blank" office

     ② A container that holds matches, "this" usually has a coarse area
        for lighting a match. : match "Blank"

     ③ This equipment can be found in and records all the information
        from a plane.  It plays an important role if the plane crashes.
        : black "Blank"
( 정답 : box )


<2> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.)

     What will Rich order from the menu?

Rich  : Today, lunch is on me.  What do you want to eat?
            I'm going to have 자장면!!
Kali   : I want to eat 자장면 and 짬뽕...
          What should I eat? I can't decide.
Rich  : Then I'll eat 자장면 and you eat 짬뽕.
          No, wait, I'm watching what I eat, so I can't eat anything made
          with flour. I'll just get 볶음밥. But they only have shrimp 볶음밥
          here.  I can't eat shrimp. I'll just get what I decided on first.
          You hurry up and decide, too, Kali.
Kali   : I want 짬뽕~ Let's get 탕수육 too!
     What will Rich order from the menu?

( 정답 : 자장면)


<3> (다음은 ‘숫자 계산’ 문제입니다.)

     Remember: multiply first, then add or subtract. Here goes:
     Solve this problem. What is [ 5 X 8 divided by 4 - 9 ]?

( 정답 : 1


<4> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

     Listen and count how many times the word 'lucky' is sung.
▶  I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue 

     I should be so lucky lucky, lucky, lucky I should be so lucky in love
     I should be so lucky Lucky, lucky, lucky I should be so lucky in love 
    How many times is the word 'lucky' sung?

( 정답 : 10 )


<5> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)

     Next is a sentence from the news on Monday's EGG show.
     Listen carefully. What is the word that goes in the blank.

     [ Park Ji-sung has suffered from the "Wembley jinx" in his second
       start in a Champions League final, as _ blank _ couldn't keep
       Barcelona from beating them 3-1.]

     What is the name of the team 박지성 is on?

   ( 정답 : Manchester United )

posted by magicps