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05-18 18:59
2011. 5. 12. 21:28 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 충격! 미확인 바이러스성 폐렴 첫 사망자 발생
▷ Mystery virus kills a woman

▶ 정체불명의 바이러스성 폐렴 증상을 보이는 8명의 환자들 가운데 대부분이 임산부이며,
    이 가운데 한 명이 사망해 전국적으로 공포가 확산되고 있습니다. 
▷ The unprecidented death of a woman due to an unknown virus has sparked
     fears in the country, with seven others, mostly ladies who are with child, also
     hospitalized with the same mystery disease.

- unprecidented 사상 유례가 없는

- due to ~ = ~때문에

- with child (임신한) vs. with a child (아이 한 명과 함께 있는)

[2nd news]

▶ 20년 만의 만남! 남북 탁구 단일팀 초청 친선전 개최 추진
▷ South and North invited to form table tennis team

▶ 오는 11월 카타르에서 처음으로 열리는 국제 친선 스포츠 대회 'Peace and Sports Cup'에
    남북 탁구 단일팀이 초청받았습니다.
▷ The upcoming Peace and Sports Cup, which seeks to promote peace through
    sports, has invited South and North Korea to field a joint table tennis team for
    the event, which will take place in November in Qatar.

- field ~를 출전시키다.


[3rd news]

▶ 별들의 잔치! 64회 칸 영화제 개막
▷ Woody Allen kicks off Cannes

▶ 별들의 잔치 ‘칸 국제영화제’가 오늘 개막작인 Woody Allen 감독의 신작
    상영을 시작으로 프랑스 도시 칸에서 오는 22일까지 열립니다.  
▷ The Cannes Film Festival begins today with Woody Allen's latest work,
    "Midnight in Paris."  The small southern French town will be abuzz with stars
     and media until the festival ends on May 22.

- kick off 시작하다.

- work 작품

- be abuzz with ~ = ~로 바글거리다.


● "Dami's English Game Go!!" ●

◆ 예선 1 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘기념일’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

Of the following, which a Korean holiday?
      1. Arbor Day
      2. Teacher's Day
      3. Children's Day

( 정답 : 3. Children's Day )

<2>  (이번 문제는 ‘속담’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 "Effort is necessary in order to achieve something."
 Which saying fits this deSCR-IPTion?

 1. Two heads are better than one.
 2. No pain, no gain.
 3. No news is good news.

( 정답 : 2. No pain, no gain. )

 ◆ 예선 2 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘줄임말’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 What is ASAP short for?

 1. As Soon As Impossible
 2. As Soon As Possible
 3. As Slow As Possible
( 정답 : 2. As Soon As Possible )

<2> (다음은 ‘화폐’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

     If Korea is won, United States, is dollar, then what is the currency for China?
     1. Yen
     2. Peso
     3. Yuan

( 정답 : 3. Yuan )

<3> (이번 문제는 ‘만화 캐릭터’에 관한 문제입니다.)

  Which vegetable does Popeye like?

  1. Carrot
  2. Onion
  3. Spinach

( 정답 : 3. Spinach )


 ◆ Final round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 '나'를 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

Who am I?
-I am a Korean man.
-My profession is a soccer player.
-Currently I am playing with UK's Manchester United Football Club.

( 정답 : Park Ji-sung )

<2> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

 Listen to the music and then carefully listen to the entire question.

 ▶ First Of May by Bee Gees
The song that you're listening to now is by the Bee Gees, and they're talking
about this month. The birth stone for this month is emerald, and holidays
such as Mother's Day, Children's Day, many holidays related to family is
included (in this month). What month is it?

( 정답 : May )        

<3> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.)

    Here's the question. Where was Rich's cell phone?
      (Here's a hint... Listen to the entire conversation)

 Dami : Rich, hurry up! We're going to be late.
 Rich: Hold on! Where's my cell phone?
 Dami : It's not in your bag?
 Rich: It's not in there. Where in the world is it?
 Dami: Did you check the table?
 Rich : It's not there. What?! I found it! It was in the refrigerator.
 Dami : Last time you found it in your pocket, and this time your cell phone
           was in the refrigerator? You have very poor memory.
           Where was Rich's cell phone?

( 정답 : in the refrigerator)


<4> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)

Next is a sentence from the news on Friday's EGG show.
Listen carefully.  What sport is it?

Kim So-hui, a high school student, has done her country proud by winning Korea's
first gold at the ongoing World THIS Championships yesterday by overpowering
six-time Chinese national champion Li Zhaoyi.

This sport is Korea's traditional martial arts and holds hand to hand combats
with martial arts as the foundation. What is the name of this sport?

( 정답 : Taekwondo )

<5> (다음은 ‘산수’ 문제입니다.)

     What is the total sum in minutes? Please answer in minutes only. 

          1 hour + 10 minutes + 60 seconds      

( 정답 : 71 minutes )


<청취자 문제>

     What is the total number of legs of the following animals.

                   iguana + squid + turkey
( 정답 : sixteen )

posted by magicps