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04-28 01:47
2011. 7. 30. 21:21 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 폭우로 인한 사상자 늘어..

▷ Death count rises to 48 in record rains

▶ 이번 주 서울·경기와 강원북부 지역 등에 내린 폭우로 잇따라 크고
    작은 사고가 발생하면서 최소 41명이 사망하는 등 인명 피해가 늘고

▷ Some of the heaviest downpours ever recorded have wreaked
    havoc on Seoul and its metropolitan area this week, with at
    least 48 people losing their lives amid floods, power outages
    and traffic gridlock.

- Death count : 사망자 수
- wreaked havoc on : 엄청난 피해를 주다
- metropolitan : 대도시의
- traffic gridlock : 교통체증


[2nd news]

▶ 미국 ‘디폴트 우려’에 뉴욕 주가 폭락!!

▷ U.S. debt impasse causes stock losses

▶ 미국 연방정부의 채무한도 상향 시한이 당장 눈앞으로 닥쳐오면서
    뉴욕 증시가 큰 하락세를 기록하자 월가 금융사들의 속도 까맣게
    타들어가고 있습니다.

▷ Wall Street has taken a beating due to the grim economic
    outlook in the United States and the lack of progress in debt
    negotiations as the default deadline fast approaches.

- impasse : 교착상태
- beating : 큰 타격을 입은
- grim : 암울한
- outlook : 전망
- negotiation : 교섭
- default : 채무불이행


[3rd news]

▶ 아시아나 화물기 제주 해상에서 추락!!

▷ Asiana cargo flight crashes

▶ 오늘 새벽 아시아나항공 화물기가 제주도 근처 해상에서 추락했습니다.
     이 사고로 화물기에 타고 있던 2명이 실종됐습니다.

▷ Two people are missing and feared dead as an Asiana Airlines cargo plane
    plummeted from the sky and crashed into the sea in waters off
    Jeju island in the early hours of this morning.

- cargo : 화물
- plummeted : 급락하다
- waters off  : 근해상


● 친절한 Caelyn ●

오늘의 표현 : This is my favorite hang-out (여기 내 단골이야)

(전화 연결 신청시 꼭!! 스크립트 챙겨주세요.)


A: I have never been to this side of town before!
    I never knew there was such a glitzy area!
B: This is my favorite hang-out!

A: Why don't we just go to my favorite hang-out?
B: You mean that retro bar? I really don't dig their music.

A: I don't know this area that well and I'm not good with directions either.
B: Let's go to my favorite hang-out then.
    It should be somewhere around here.


A : 나 이 동네 처음인데, 진짜 화려하다~
B : 여기 내 단골이야!!

A : 내 단골집에 가지 않을래?
B : 7080 바 말하는거야? 나 그런 음악 안좋아해~

A : 여기가 어디지? 나 방향치라 여기가 어디인지 모르겠어
B : 그럼 내가 잘 가는 단골집으로 가자~ 이 근처에 있어!!


●Dami의 "수상한 미션" ●

▶ 오늘의 주제 : 커피 주문하기

▶ 오늘의 미션

□ Mission 1. Order coffee for to go
□ Mission 2. One Iced Americano (decaf), One Hot Cafe Mocha          
    w/cream on top, one cafe latte w/lowfat milk
□ Mission 3. warm blueberry bagel with cream cheese (cut in half)

▶ 영어 표현 tip
● 테이크아웃 / 마시고 가기
   Would you like to have it for here or to go?
   I'd like to have it here./ I'd like it for to-go.

● 따뜻한 것, 차가운 것?
   Would you like it hot or cold?

● Different types of coffee:
   Espresso : A brewing method that extracts the heart of the bean.
              A pump-driven machine forces hot water through fine grounds.
   AMERICANO : A shot of espresso diluted with hot water.
   MOCHA : Espresso mixed with chocolate syrup and steamed milk.
   Cappuccino : An espresso shot combined with foamed steamed milk.
   Macchiato : Espresso with a minimal amount of steamed milk on top.
   Latte : A shot or two of espresso that has been poured into a cup filled
          with steamed milk and topped off with foamed milk (about a 1/4").

● cup size (Starbucks) : short(8oz), Tall(12oz), Grande(16oz), Venti (24 oz.)

● Espresso의 size: single, double, triple shot

● 우유 종류:  low-fat, non fat, steamed milk, soy milk

● 카페인 없는 커피: decaf
   (Caffeine: The drug contained in coffee. A bitter white alkaloid derived
   from coffee (or tea) and used in medicine for a mild stimulant or to treat
   certain kinds of headache.)

● 뜨거우니 조심하세요. - Content may be hot.

● 재밌는 표현들:
   Caffeine isn’t a drug, it’s a vitamin !!

   This guy walks into a coffee shop and asks the waitress: "How much
   is the coffee?" "Coffee is three dollars the waitress said". "How much
   is a refill?" the man asked. "Free"!!!!! said the waitress. "Then I'll take
   a refill"!!!!!.

   Honey, this coffee tastes like dirt.
   - That's not surprising, dear, it was just ground this morning.

   Men are like ... coffee.
   The best ones are rich, hot, and can keep you up all night.

▶ 오늘의 대화
A : Welcome to Dami's cafe, what can I get you?

B : I'd like one Americano, one hot cafe Mocha,
    and one cafe latte please.

A : Would you like your americano hot or cold?

B : I'd like it cold please, and make it decaf.

A : Would you like whip cream on top of your cafe mocha, sir?

B : Yes! Just whip a whole bunch on there please ;)

A : What kind of milk would you prefer in your cafe latte?

B : I'd like low-fat milk please, and just a little bit of it.

A : So I have, one decaf iced Americano, one hot Cafe Mocha
    w/a lot of whip cream on top, and one cafe latte w/ just
    a little bit of lowfat milk.

B : Hmm...and I'd also like a blueberry bagel with cream
     cheese please.

A : Okay sir. A blueberry bagel w/ cream cheese.
     And would you like it cut?

B : Yes, in half please.

A : Alright, your order will be right out. Have a great day!

posted by magicps