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05-18 16:28
2011. 5. 9. 20:16 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


 ● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ 아프간 한국 PRT 기지 피격!!

▷ Artillery strike on Korean base in Afghanistan

▶ 오늘 새벽 아프가니스탄의 한국 지방재건팀(PRT) 기지 일대에 포탄이
     떨어졌습니다. 그러나 다행히도 인명 피해는 없는 것으로 밝혀졌습니다.

▷ A facility used as a home base for Korean troops and aid workers
    in Afghanistan was subjected to a barrage of shells early his
    morning Korean time, but no injuries were reported.

- Artillery strike : 대포공격
- home base : 본거지
- troop : 병력
- subjected to : ~로 하여금 ~을 당하게 만들다
- a barrage of~ : ~에 쏟아진


[2nd news]

▶ 서울 중고생 4명 중 3명 시력에 문제

▷ Three quarters of Seoul student have eye issues

▶ 서울의 중·고등학생이 4명 중 3명꼴로 안경을 써야 할 정도로 시력이
     나쁜 것으로 조사됐습니다. 또한, 몇몇 학생은 고혈압 진단을 받기도

▷ Among Seoul's middle and high school students, three out of
     four have bad eyes, a study has revealed, along with the fact
     that quite a few have high blood pressure.

- Three quarters of : 4분의 3
- quite a few : a lot
- high blood pressure : 고혈압


[3rd news]

▶ 뽀로로, 연봉도 역시 ‘뽀통령’!!

▷ Pororo enshrined in childrens' hearts

▶ 서울산업통상진흥원에 따르면 뽀로로의 몸값은 3893억원, 연봉은
    120억원으로 나타났습니다. 이것은 박지성의 2배에 달하며
    추신수보다도 3배나 많은 수준입니다.

▷ According to a report by Seoul Business Agency, the monetary value
    of the Pororo character amounts to 389.3 billion won and it rakes in
    12 billion won annually. That's twice the amount of 박지성's annual
    salary, and three times that of  major leage slugger 추신수.

- enshrine : 소중히 간직하다, 신성화하다
- monetary value : 금전적 가치
- rakes in : 더 많이 벌다
- amount of : 많은 양의
- slugger : 강타자


● 친절한 Caelyn ●

오늘의 표현 : The stork brought you to us. (다리 밑에서 주워왔어.) 

(전화 연결 신청시 꼭!! 스크립트 챙겨주세요.)

A: Mom! Caelyn always makes fun of me saying that
    I don't resemble you at all.
B: That's because the stork brought you to us dear.
A: Daddy, where did I come from?
B: Um... well, the stork brought you to us.
A: Caelyn, you were right. The stork brought me to my parents.
B: The stork? That's what my daddy said too!

A : 엄마! 케일린이 엄마랑 안닮았다고 놀려!!
B : 그건 널 다리 밑에서 주워와서 그래~

A : 아빠! 나 어디서 왔어?
B : 너? 다리 밑에서 주워왔어~

A : 케일린. 너가 맞았어. 엄마가 나 다리 밑에서 주워왔대
B : 다리? 우리 아빠도 날 다리 밑에서 주워왔대!!

- resemble : 닮다


●김태윤의 "Impact Speaking" ●

▶ 오늘의 주제 : 어린이날

▷ 기본 표현

In Korea, May 5 is Children's Day.

Children's Day
on Children's Day
In Korea, May 5 is Children's Day.
spend the whole day doing whatever the kids want to do
a national holiday
give children special treats and gifts

▶ 1. Memory (추억)

Q. What is the most memorable thing that happened to you on Children's Day?
A : The most memorable thing was ----------------------.

▷ 표현

I received gifts from my parents. (부모님에게 선물 받은 거)
I went out with my parents for a good time. (부모님과 놀러간 거)
I didn't go to school. (학교 안 가는 거)
I had good food with my parents. (부모님들이라 맛있는 거 먹었던 거)
I did nothing. (아무것도 안했던 거)

▶ 2. Toys (장난감)

Q. What was the gift you wanted to have the most?
   (What was the most memorable gift you've got? )
A :  I really wanted to get --------------.

▷ 표현

dolls / robots / soldiers / animals / cars / puzzles
stuffed animals / action figures / video games / miniatures /
construction sets

they're all pricy / expensive / high-priced / prices are high
get ripped off / a rip-off / rip me off

▶ 3. Theme Park

Q. What was your favorite ride at a theme park?
    (What was the ride you didn't want to ride the most?)
A : My favorite ride was ----------------.
    (I really didn't want to ride -----------------. ) 

▷ 표현

ride a carousel / ride a merry-go-around
ride a roller coaster / ride a bumper cars

it was crowded / packed / jam-packed / bustling
it was full of people / wait in line long for a ride

▶ 4. Other activities

Q. What else did you want to do on Children's Day?
A : I wanted to -----------------------. 

▷ 표현

let them drink soda drinks as much as they want
go to a family restaurant / order a pizza / go to see a movie
visit the zoo / visit the science museum
take the children to a bookstore / stay home and watch TV

▶ 홈페이지 추가 표현

▷ amusement park

a wristband or pass is shown
rides and entertainment attractions
bungee jumping / go-kart tracks

thrill rides / train rides / water rides / dark rides
the haunted house

admission prices / admission fees 
purchase rides individually
purchase ride tickets

▷ and other activities

stationery : notebooks, pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, lead
let the kids play video games all day long
play a ball game
hike through a park

let the children choose the menu
what they love to do most


posted by magicps