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04-29 03:06
2011. 7. 26. 19:37 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶  ‘딸~ 한번만 봐줘잉!’ ‘가십걸’ 미스터~ 철없는 엄마 고소     

▷ Leighton Meester suing mother for using funds for plastic surgery

▶ 인기 미드 ‘Gossip Girl’의 스타 Leighton Meester가 남동생의 병원비로
    매달 보내 준 7,500달러(한화약790만원)를 수년째 자신의 성형수술과
    붙임머리, 보톡스 등에 탕진한 엄마 Constance를 상대로 소송을 제기했습니다.

▷ Leighton Meester, best known for her role as Blair on "Gossip Girl,"
    has filed a suit against her mom Constance Meester that claims that
    her mother is spending the $7500 a month Leighton sent to be spent
    on her brother, on plastic surgery, hair extensions and Botox.



[2nd news]

▶ ‘사랑해요~ 비빔밥!’ 뉴욕 셰프, 한식 메뉴 홍보

▷ Korean Cuisine Showcased at Restaurant of Former "Top Chef"
    Contestant and Award-Winning Chef

▶ 뉴욕에 있는 인기 요리사 Angelo Sosa의 레스토랑 Social Eatz에서
    비빔밥 버거 등 한식 메뉴를 홍보하는 행사가 열렸습니다.

▷ Korean cuisine including a Bibimbap Burger took center stage at
    Chef Angelo Sosa's newly opened Social Eatz, the new restaurant on
    the block in New York City. 



[3rd news]

▶ ‘애들은 가라~ 애들은 가!’ 미 레스토랑, 아동 출입금지 후 매출 증가

▷ American Restaurant Bars Child Patrons

▶ 미국 필라델피아주 몬로에빌의 멕데인 레스토랑이 떼쓰는 아이들 때문에
    다른 손님들의 불만이 크다며 6세 미만 아동의 출입을 금지한 이후 오히려
    매출이 20 퍼센트 가량 증가했습니다. 

▷ The owner of McDain’s Restaurant, in Monroeville, Pennsylvania has barred
    children under the age of 6 from its dining area in a response to complaints
    about unruly children. Business is said to have shot up 20 percent since
    the new policy.



● 친절한 Caelyn ●

오늘의 표현 - catch forty winks. 나 한 숨 자야겠어.

(전화 연결 신청시 꼭!! 스크립트 챙겨주세요.)


A: What time did you say the premiere was? 
B: It’s at 8 p.m. So we have enough time to catch forty winks.

A: You look like you’re about to faint.
    Why don’t you catch forty winks before you come down with something.
B: I should, but with the load of work I have, I can’t.

A: Sis, I’m going to catch forty winks before the party.
    So can you wake me up in half an hour or so
B: I’m going to take a nap myself, so I’ll just set five alarms. for(i=0;i



● 라이언 강의 "AP News Catch UP!" ●

* 오늘의 주인공 - Alicia Keys

The Black Ball is an incredible evening where we’re able to raise funds for
‘Keep a Child Alive’ which is my organization. That was started to be able to
give medicine for children and families who have AIDS, like in Africa and India
and can’t afford it.


* Key Words

Ball  무도회, 댄스파티

Raise funds 기금 모금을 하다

Cannot afford  경제적, 시간적으로 무엇을 할 여유가 없다.


* 받아쓰기

The Black Ball is an _____ ______

where we’re able to ____ ____ for ‘____ ____ ____ ____’

which is my organization.

That ___ ____ to ___ ___ ___ give medicine for children and families

who have AIDS, like in Africa and India ___ ___ ____ ___.

posted by magicps