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06-01 18:40
2010. 6. 29. 02:08 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!

 Scientists say a strong cup of coffee has a greater effect on men than women. An espresso 
 pepped up men after only ten minutes. Women did become more alert but less so compared 
 to men. Researchers also said that the effect might be psychological because some reacted 
 to decaffeinated coffee as well. 

 과학자들에 의하면 진한 커피에 남성이 여성보다 더 강한 반응을 보인다고 합니다. 에스프레소를 
 마신 남성은 십분 후 활력이 증가했습니다. 여성도 커피에 대한 반응을 했지만 남자들보다 약했다고
 합니다. 연구진들은 카페인을 줄인 커피 또한 어느 정도 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났는데 이는 
 플라시보 효과 즉, 심리적인 효과에 의한 것일 수 있다고 말합니다.


strong coffee 진한 커피  <-> weak coffee 연한 커피 

pep up ~에게 활력을 불어넣어 주다. 

pep talk 격려의 말

alert 경각심을 받은, 각성상태의 

decaffeinated 카페인이 제거가 된 

*SunShane's 생생 English*    

A:  How’d you spend New Year’s?
B:  The family and I went out to the EastSea.
A:  Sounds nice.
B:  It was~  I hope this year’s a happy and healthy year, too.

A: 새해 어떻게 보냈어?
B: 가족과 함께 동해에 갔었어.
A: 좋았겠다~
B: 좋았어. 올해 역시 행복하고 건강한 한 해가 됐음 좋겠다~

How’d you spend New Year’s? = How did you spend New Year's Day?

*이수정의 ‘Idiom 이리와’*                  
 -Today's Theme = Cow/Bull-   

**Cow/bull idiom song** 

John won't quit talking 'til the cows come home  존은 오랫동안 계속 말할 거예요.
John won't quit talking 'til the cows come home  존은 오랫동안 계속 말할 거예요.
John won't quit talking 'til the cows come home  존은 오랫동안 계속 말할 거예요.
Holy cow~ my ears are falling off    맙소사~ 귀가 따가워요. 

John's bull-headed and he won't shut up  존은 고집이 세서 말을 멈추지 않을 거예요. 
John's bull-headed and he won't shut up  존은 고집이 세서 말을 멈추지 않을 거예요. 
John's bull-headed and he won't shut up  존은 고집이 세서 말을 멈추지 않을 거예요. 
Let's take the bull by its horns   그럼 우리 정면대응해서 문제를 해결하자구요~

**key idiom**          
① Until the cows come home (오랫동안)

* until very late, for a long time

- We can talk until the cows come home this weekend.

- He keeps on playing the piano till the cows come home.

- You can complain until the cows come home,  but that won't change anything. 
You have to take  the TOEFL and that's final!

② Holy cow (우와!, 저런!, 세상에!)

* used to express strong feelings of astonishment/pleasure/anger

- Look at the big fish Stan just caught! Holy cow, that's huge!

③ Take the bull by the horns (정면대응하다, 과감히 맞서다)

* to take decisive and direct action

- My aunt decided to take the bull by the horns and begin preparations for the family reunion.

④ Bull-headed (고집 센) 

* To be stubborn, inflexible 

* Someone who is bull-headed is determined to do exactly what they want to do, and does not 
think about what other people want

- He's completely bull-headed. I asked him not to throw out that old table, 
but he did it anyway.

'English > 잉글리쉬 고!고!' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by magicps