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05-14 12:17
2011. 7. 22. 19:48 English/잉글리쉬 고!고!


● EGG Evening News ●

[1st news]

▶ “태보 때문에 나 떨고 있니?” 테크노마트 흔들림 원인은 '태보'운동

▷ Tae Bo believed to be the cause of TechnoMart tremors

▶ 얼마 전 서울 광진구 강변 테크노마트에서 나타난 흔들림 현상의 원인이
    당시 운동시설에서 단체로 했던 '태보' 운동 때문인 것으로 나타났습니다.

▷ A theory has been put to the test that people attempting to
     shed a few pounds caused the recent shaking of TechnoMart
     that terrified shoppers. The building indeed quivered as a result.

- tremor 흔들림, 흔들리다.

- put ~ to the test ~을 시험해 보다.

- shed ~ pound 살을 빼다.


[2nd news]

▶ “전 정말 몰랐어요!” 언론재벌 머독, 해킹 사건으로 청문회 출석!

▷ Murdoch denies culpability in hacking scandal hearing

▶ 뉴스코프의 루퍼트 머독 회장은 영국 사회를 발칵 뒤집어놓은 휴대전화 해킹 사건과
    관련해 해킹은 실무자 책임이며 자신은 그들을 믿은 잘못밖에 없다고 말했습니다.

▷ Rupert Murdoch has said that although he is red in the face about
    the hacking scandal that has rocked British society and embroiled politicians,
    police and journalists, he is only responsible for putting his faith in the wrong

- culpability 범죄

- red in the face 창피함을 느끼다.

- put one's faith in ~ = ~을 믿다.


[3rd news]

▶ 세계에서 석유가 가장 많은 나라는 어디일까요? 사우디? 땡!

▷ Venezuela has the most oil

▶ 베네수엘라가 처음으로 사우디아라비아를 제치고 세계 최대 석유 매장국으로

▷ Venezuela has become the most oil-rich country in the world by beating out
    Saudi Arabia for the most proven oil reserves for the first time.

- ~rich ~가 풍부한


● "Kali's English Game Go!!" ●

◆ 예선 1 round 문제 ◆ 


<1> (이번 문제는 ‘태양계’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 Which of the following IS NOT a name of a planet in the solar system?

  1. Jupiter
  2. Earth
  3. Chaos   

( 정답 :  )


<2>  (이번 문제는 ‘동전’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

  Which Korean coin has a picture of a person on it?

  1. 100 Won
  2. 500 Won
  3. 10 Won

( 정답 :  )


◆ 예선 2 round 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 ‘단위’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

Which of the following units DOES NOT measure area?

     1. acre
     2. liter
     3. m²

( 정답 :  )


<2>  (이번 문제는 ‘빛’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

Instead of visible rays, short wavelengths tend to burn or sterilize the skin.
But if the skin is open to too much of this, then you can get cancer.
Which ray of sunlight is this?

      1. infrared rays
      2. X-rays
      3. UV rays

( 정답 :  )


<3> (이번 문제는 ‘속담’에 관한 객관식 문제입니다.)

 Every person has their partner or soulmate. Which saying relates to this?

 1. Every Jack has his Jill.
 2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
 3. Out of sight, out of mind.

( 정답 :  )


◆ 결승 문제 ◆

<1> (이번 문제는 '연상퀴즈'입니다.)

 I will read 6 words or phrases. 
 What word do they all have in common?

Great Britain - Red Taxi - Film Noir - Shopping - Night view - Returned to China

( 정답 :  ) 


<2> (다음은 노래를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 퀴즈입니다.)

 Listen to the music and then carefully listen to the entire question.

 ▶ Craig david - insomnia

You're listening to a song by Craig David. 
What is the title of this song, that also shares the same title
as the movie staring Al Pacino and Robin Williams released in 2002.
This describes a condition when one cannot sleep at night.  What is this word?

( 정답 : )        


<3> (다음은 대화를 듣고 맞히는 주관식 문제입니다.)

    Here's the question. What temperature is it inside Rich's home?
      (Here's a hint... Listen to the entire conversation)

 Rich: Welcome Kali. It sure is hot outside, isn't it?
 Kali:  It's boiling hot today. They say that it's 30 degrees outside
         but it feels like it's 35 degrees.  It's driving me crazy.
 Rich: It's because there isn't a breeze and it's humid.
 Kali:  But ... how many degrees is it in here?  It's kind of cold.
 Rich: I turned the AC on high for you and now it's 20 degrees
         in here. What do you think?  It's nice isn't it?
 Kali:  What 20 degrees?!?!
         Don't you know that the optimal indoor temperature is 26?
         Hurry up and turn your AC down!

 What temperature is it inside Rich's home?

( 정답 :  ) 


<4> (이번 문제는 EGG 복습 문제입니다.)

Next is a sentence from the news on Friday's EGG show.
Listen carefully.  Who is SHE/HER?

The Internet lit up with criticism of HER 1,700 calorie lunch at a fast food joint,
but some came to the defence of the brains behind the "Let's Move" campaign,
saying SHE's allowed the occasional indulgence.

What is her name, the First Lady of the United States?

( 정답 :  )


<5> (다음은 ‘산수’ 문제입니다.)

 If you add up the number relevant to the words, what is the total?

      July + Single + Nickel   

( 정답 :  )


posted by magicps