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TiCumulus Tag Cloud

04-29 03:06
2011. 3. 14. 22:48 English/TOEIC 기출문제


★ 홈페이지 기출 문제 (5문제 추가) ★   

1. Not only has his policy _______ his organization to strengthen its core 
   activities, but it also helped establish support for major initiatives.

(A) enabled 
(B) enables 
(C) to enable 
(D) enabling

2. Media specialists have been predicting an increase in customer _______ 
   for high-definition TV monitors

(A) demanding    
(B) demanded 
(C) demand       
(D) being demanded

3. The beautification project ------- to be completed by the end of this month 
   will begin next Monday. 

(A) is scheduling    
(B) has been scheduled 
(C) being schedule   
(D) scheduled

4.  While you are taking a tour of our main plant, _______ hesitate to ask 
    questions regarding how the system works.

(A) not to 
(B) no 
(C) do not 
(D) have not

5. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, this week's shipments are ------- 
   to arrive late.

(A) determine 
(B) willing 
(C) likely 
(D) possible

posted by magicps